Understanding Protection Order Violations In Colorado Springs: A Comprehensive Guide

Jan 22, 2024 | Criminal Defense, Protection Orders

Judges Do Not Like Their Orders Being Ignored And Will Make You Pay For Doing So

The most crucial thing to know about protection order violations in Colorado Springs is this: judges do not take kindly to their orders being ignored, disregarded, or defied. All court orders, especially those entered to protect individuals from threats or violence, are not suggestions or recommendations. Obeying these court orders is a crucial step to ensuring success in your divorce or criminal defense cases.

Compliance with the terms of a civil protection order, also called a restraining order, is not optional. If you violate any of the restrictions or directions contained in the document, you will quickly realize what a costly error it was to do so.

Protection order violations can make an already difficult situation even worse. However stringent you feel the order is, or how wrong you think it was for the judge to enter it against you, responding by turning your nose up at the judge is an act of self-sabotage.

Your Colorado Springs protection order violations attorney can fight to lift or modify the order. You, on the other hand, should strictly adhere to its terms until told otherwise. Failure to comply with a protection order can impact your case and every aspect of your personal life.

Here is what you need to know about protection order violations and the harsh consequences that await if a judge concludes that you are guilty of these violations.

Related: What are Colorado Restraining Orders?

Perkins - Protection Order Violations

What Are Colorado Civil Protection Orders and Why Are They Entered?

In Colorado Springs, a civil protection order prohibits an individual from engaging in specific behaviors toward the party who either requested the entry of the order or another individual identified in the order. This prohibition can dramatically limit a person’s rights and their day-to-day life.

According to the Legal Information Network of Colorado, a restraining order can prohibit one spouse from contacting the other. It can keep a parent away from their children. Furthermore, a civil protection order can kick someone out of their home, among other restraints and conditions.

Colorado Springs judges generally enter protection orders when someone petitions the court for the order based on allegations involving:

  • Domestic violence
  • Spousal abuse
  • Stalking
  • Harassment
  • Threats
  • Assault
  • Child abuse
  • Endangering the welfare of a child
  • Sexual abuse

Severe Penalties – Including Jail Time – For Protection Order Violations

Given that protection orders are put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals facing domestic violence, harassment, or other threatening situations, Colorado law imposes severe consequences on protection order violations to prevent further harm and ensure compliance with the court’s directives.

One of the immediate consequences of violating a civil protection order in Colorado Springs is the potential for your arrest. If a law enforcement agency receives credible evidence that you have violated the terms of the order entered against you, they will likely place you under arrest.

Related: Facing Domestic Violence Charges? How to Equip Your Lawyer for Success.

This arrest may lead to criminal charges, as a civil protection order violation is a class 2 misdemeanor that carries a punishment of up to 120 in county jail. Probation and fines can also be imposed.

If you cross the lines outlined in a restraining order, more than handcuffs and time behind bars await you. Suppose you are in a divorce or child custody dispute, and the violation involves a family or domestic relationship. In that case, the court may consider the protection order violation when making decisions about custody, visitation rights, and spousal support.

The judge can and will consider any actions you took that may endanger the well-being of the protected party or children involved and will view a violation as evidence that you represent an ongoing threat to their safety.

Protection order violations can strain your relationships with friends, family, and colleagues outside of the family law context and may hinder your employment prospects. Employers will find your protection order and any violations in a background check and will be hesitant to hire someone who may pose a threat to others in the workplace.

You Have the Right To Defend Yourself If You’ve Been Accused of Protection Order Violations

As noted, violating a civil protection order is a criminal offense. As with all criminal offenses, you are innocent until proven guilty and have a right to defend yourself against allegations that you breached the order’s terms. Given the potential consequences of a judge finding that you ignored or disregarded their order, it is critical that you speak with a Colorado Springs criminal defense and restraining order violation attorney as soon as possible to fight the charges. Time is of the essence; don’t waste a moment trying to beat these charges on your own.

Call the experienced Colorado Springs family and criminal defense attorneys at Perkins Law today to arrange for your free initial consultation.

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